Does anyone know how to recover a lost/forgotten password for this site?
does anyone know how to recover a lost/forgotten password for this site?.
Does anyone know how to recover a lost/forgotten password for this site?
so obviously the best way to leave properly is fading, that's a given i would have thought?.
however i'm in a situation where i'm not sure what to do... i've just left home, nobody bar my parents / gparents know my address.
at my parents request they asked if i would switch my cards over to the closer kingdom hall.
Cold turkey - definitely. Zero attendance and zero F/S.
"in the past 12 months, #watchtower has obtained more than 36 unique subpoenas to identify the people who have posted their documents, leaked videos, & images from their publications.
this #watchhunt is a coordinated effort to locate & punish the leak sources.".
I'll bet the org's lawyers are allowed to count all their court time as "field service" in their monthly report.
a judge cites for the first time to declare jehovah's witness leaders for a case of sexual abuse.
the justice calls to appear to four elders of the congregation in spain by possible concealment of a crime of rape to a woman when she was 18 years old by her boss.
Western governments turn a blind eye to religious organization's disciplinary systems and practices.
There's a debate going on in the UK regarding female genital mutilation. No British MP's are saying a word about the traditional male genital mutilation (circumcision) of baby boys by the Jewish religion.
Religions are a law unto themselves.
on 30th january 2019, the rt hon jeremy hunt mp (foreign & commonwealth office) launched an independent review into the persecution of christians world wide to be chaired by philip mountstephen - bushop of truro.
in his address to the audience, jeremeyhunt stated... .
"... freedom of worship is a fundamental human right... freedom of worship is the invisible line between open societies and closed societies.. where freedom of worship is hampered or prevented, then usually that’s a sign of lots of other things going wrong, and we wanted to make sure that the uk is doing everything to champion the values that we all believe in.".
Spot on NK.
If a baptised JW openly disagrees with any of the org's teachings, they can be assured that they will face strong disciplinary action intended to silence them. If they refuse to be silenced, they will permanently be cut off from all of their JW relatives and friends.
If such mandated measures aren't human rights violation, I don't what are.
Time for governments to offer the carrot or the stick to such "charitable" organizations. Money talks!
l recently went to watch green book , which l thought was excellent , it had everything , it took me though the whole range of emotions , from anger to joy , laughing then wanting to cry .
the quiet dignity of dr shirley mixed with volatile nature of tony lipp and seeing their emerging friendship was wonderful .
what really shook me was that these attitudes existed in my lifetime , not that long ago .
"Where Hands Touch" & "Can You Ever Forgive Me."
Both excellent films.
a friend who's not posted here before has asked me to post this for him..
dear friends,.
i’m working on a project that, i'm sorry, but i can’t yet make public - as i don't want to give wt advance warning - but it will be big news at some time in the future..
The Charities Commission asked the same thing. Maybe Charlie should share his big news with them first.
lego animation about the prodigal son with a twist... includes part of a recorded elders reinstatement meeting.
jw wolves at their best.
Very good to have you here Azazel. Hope to hear some of your thoughts and experiences.
i find the approach, the reasoning, the dialectic rather fascinating. religion, basically, wrestles with science____did slaves build the pyramids?
____the only reason i bring this up is because i have dear close evangelical friends who are--how shall i say it---.
rather opinionated beyond their pay grade :).
"How could all that have been manufactured and assembled in the arid Sinai wilderness?"
It's interesting that Israel still claims "ownership" of the Biblical site of Sinai and its mount, when the Bible account of the exodus (which they admit as being the only account) clearly stated that Sinai was in Arabia. (Exodus 3:1,12; Galatians 4:24,25)
can all explain what you understand from this verse/how it does or does not connect with the ministry that jdubs do?.
"let us hold fast the public declaration" - hebrews 10:23a nwt.
means "go door to door".
"Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise." (NLT)
Essentialiy, having faith in the teachings about Christ as being the promised Messiah.